Friday, February 11, 2011

Buying Objections your Teleseminar or Webinars Should Address

A quick note before we start: Don’t let the word “scripts” fool you. For most people, I am not a fan of writing out scripts for your teleseminars and webinars word-for-word. Outlines and mindmaps tend to produce more natural results. The objections and issues I write about below apply no matter what your planning method is.

Let’s start with a dirty little secret …

While there are seemingly thousands of people doing marketing teleseminars and webinars, very few are doing them well.

Meaning, very few are doing them in a way that actually makes money and generates sales.
There is a huge difference between “doing a teleseminar or webinar” … and Doing A Teleseminar or Webinar that Sells.

One of the most frequent places people mess up delivering their sessions is not overcoming the most common reasons prospects don’t buy.

7 Reasons Your Prospects Won’t Buy On Your Teleseminars And Webinars

1. It won’t work
You overcome this with proof. And lots of it.
Make a list of the situations (personal, work, financial, whatever) your callers arrive to your teleseminar in. Then build proof into your call to address all of those situations and how you have taken them from Point A to Point B many times before.

2. It won’t work for me
It might work for other people, but not for me.
The human mind has a remarkable capacity to make something true if it’s what the person wants.
Let’s take Joe Prospect, for example, who wants to lose weight.
Despite seeing his friends and family lose weight when they put their minds to it and despite your overwhelming proof, Joe is 100% convinced your product will not work for him.
Address this objection directly.

“Even if you think this will never work for you, it will, and I’m going to tell you why.”
Now address this objection through stories.

“When Jim-Bob originally came to me, he didn’t believe there was a snowball’s chance in heck that it’d work for him. In fact, he was so determined to prove my strategies were full of it; he bought my system fully intending to send it back after he had proven he was right. You can imagine his surprise when… well; I’ll let Jim-Bob tell it. Are you on the line?”
Do you see how that works?

3. I can wait
If your callers believe they can afford to wait, even another day, they will.
Convincing people your offer will work and work for them only gets you to the top of the hill. To get over it, you have to compel them to act and act now.

One way to do this is with what I call the “Push, Pull Close.”
You “push” your caller toward a buying decision by showing them everything the get by acting now. Build in urgency, scarcity and takeaway selling strategies.

And you “pull” your callers by showing them everything they miss out on by NOT acting now. How they will be worse off a day from now, a week from now, or a month from now if they don’t buy right away. What are the consequences? What will be different about their life if they don’t act? What will be the same?

4. My situation isn’t so bad
If people don’t feel the pain of their current situation, getting your callers to act is an uphill battle. You must devote time and attention to convincing your callers that they simply can’t afford to stay where they are.
Themes to communicate this include:
  • If you aren’t moving forward you’re moving backwards
  • The definition of insanity is doing the same thing you have always done but expecting different results
  • Project them into the future by asking, “if you don’t take action now, six months from now, when you look back to today, you’ll find yourself with the same problems and the same challenges as you have today.”
  • Present case histories or testimonials where the subject put off taking action until it became too painful to continue
5. I don’t believe you
People are jaded and skeptical, especially if there are other people in your market promising the same things you are.

Most people don’t implement what they’re taught, yet blame the teacher when they don’t get the results they were promised. And the net effect of this is an increase in overall skepticism.
You overcome this again with proof, proof, and more proof. I firmly believe you can’t provide too much proof, as long as it’s presented in a variety of formats, and in an entertaining manner.

6. It costs too much
If you aren’t bumping up against this excuse, chances are high your price point is too low.
One way to overcome this during the meat of your call, is to plant “thought seeds” about the cost and exclusivity of working with you personally. This cost should be significantly higher than the price of your product. So that later, when your present the cost of your product, the decision is a no brainer.

7. It’s too hard
People want magic pills. They want wizards with magic wands who, with a flick of the wrist, solve all problems and accomplish all goals.

Although no such thing exists, the more you can equate your solution with a “magic pill,” the more of it you’ll sell. Show your callers how quickly they can put your widget to work, how little time it takes per day or week. Show them how easily they can put it to work. Give them an example of someone succeeding with your widget, so your callers can say, “if they can do it, so can I.”

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