Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Blogging101: Alexa Site Attraction

Alexa is one of the most widely used “rankings” on the web today.  The lower your Alexa ranking, the better since it indicates a higher-trafficked website.  Below is a list from Alexa's Top Twelve Sites in the Philippines. Take a look at the rankings to better understand Alexa:

Facebook.com                    Social Network Site                      Alexa rank: 1
Yahoo.com                          Search Engine in Philippines    Alexa rank: 2
Google.com.ph                  Search Engine in Philippines    Alexa rank: 3
Google.com                         Search Engine International     Alexa rank: 4
Youtube.com                      Search Engine in Philippines    Alexa rank: 5
Blogger.ph                          Blog Support                                     Alexa rank: 6
Wikipedia.com                  Search Engine in Philippines    Alexa rank: 7
Twitter.com                        Search Engine in Philippines   Alexa rank: 8
Sulit.com.ph                       Classified Ads in Philippines    Alexa rank: 9
Wordpress.com                Search Engine in Philippines   Alexa rank: 10
Odesk.com                          Online Marketplace                     Alexa rank: 11
Tumblr.com                       Photo Site                                        Alexa rank: 12
Friendster.com                 Social Network                              Alexa rank: 12

Note: Rankings reflect Sites as of 2 March 2011
There are many noted issues that people have with Alexa rankings.  The biggest one is that it’s determined by web surfers who have the Alexa toolbar installed, therefore, the more techie crowd tends to boost “techie” websites more than other genres of websites.  I actually can attest to this phenomenon with first-hand experience.  First, I recently wrote a guest post for a very popular blogging website and it resulted in a large influx in traffic to my blog.  The result was a huge jump in my Alexa ranking, much more than the corresponding jump with similar traffic spikes that I’ve experienced in the past.  Secondly, I was recently on a nice “how to blog” website which will typically have Alexa-installed-toolbar visitors and the Alexa ranking was very good, somewhere around 30,000.  I then saw the traffic numbers and they were only about 30% higher than my traffic numbers.  Lastly, I frequent some websites with 3x to 4x the amount of traffic that my blog has and I have a better Alexa ranking than them.  So, obviously, the Alexa ranking is not to be 100% trusted.

With that said, Alexa definitely has a place in the overall ranking of the web.  I pay attention to it, and hope that my ranking continues to improve.  The wisebread top personal finance blog list is by default ranked by the respective Alexa ranking, therefore, I get results from such a list due to my Alexa ranking.

As such, there is a group of personal finance bloggers that are determined to boost their Alexa rankings.  The wisebread list is a major motivating factor for the group. Interestingly, by having a group of 30 bloggers or so all have Alexa toolbars installed and having an agreement to help visit all the blogs on the list, you can actually make a difference in getting the blogs into the 200,000 level, maybe even a little better.  Therefore, the initiative of the group will likely be effective… to a point.  When it comes to elite Alexa levels, namely 50,000 and better, it will take much more than a group of bloggers who are trying to collectively improve the rankings of the group.  Nevertheless, I like the initiative and I’m participating.

It will be very interesting to see what happens after the initiatve ends.  When it comes to Alexa, when you move up, someone else is moving down.  Therefore, you’re essentially competing with other websites.  I imagine many bloggers if they move into fairly competitive territory (inside 125k), most bloggesr may fall out of the level of Alexa rankings.

Here are a few blogs that are participating in the Alexa initiative that I actually read:
There are a lot of factors in site rankings. While there are some flaws in alexa, by its popularity and usage, it is still an important tool for rankings that you can't overlook.

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